Join a Team

God created each of us with unique talents and skills and the church doesn’t function properly without every one of us operating in our gifts to serve others. 

When you serve in a ministry, you are aren’t a “volunteer,” you’re a family member doing your part in the house. You demonstrate the servant-hearted nature of Jesus. You’re a leader, whether you’re rocking babies in the nursery, serving coffee, or discipling a group.

Joining a team is one of the best ways to get involved, make friends, and grow in your faith. If you’re interested, check out the areas where we need support below and get in touch with the ministry leader for more information.

Kids Ministry

When you serve in Kids Ministry, you are investing in the most precious resource we have— the next generation. We want to raise our kids up in the faith and disciple them. Our aim on Sunday mornings is for kids to get to know God, discover the Bible, and encounter the Holy Spirit. Our kids are learning that the Bible is true and how to tell the stories for themselves. We encourage not simply learning facts and lessons, but for each child to hear and respond to what the Holy Spirit is telling them.

We have the nursery for babies under two, a preschool class, and a K-5th class where you can volunteer one Sunday a month and be a part of what God is doing in the hearts of these kids. We’re truly seeing the impact of that care and intentionality in the lives and hearts of the kids. Contact Ann-Margaret for more information on the needs in Kids Ministry and thank you!


These musicians lead our Sunday morning services and worship events, ushering in the presence of God through music. Worship goes beyond singing songs on a stage, which is why we regularly get together as a team to simply seek the Lord and offer him our praises, bringing our hearts to him before we get in front of an audience. If you sing or play an instrument and would like to talk about serving on the worship team, let Nick know.

Sound + AV

While this team works behind the scenes, they are absolutely pivotal to the worship experience and we couldn’t do our Sunday services without them. Prior experience is not required and training can be provided, as long as you are somewhat comfortable with technology. The AV team projects the lyrics, slides, and verses and also operates the lighting. The sound team helps the worship band and the speakers bring through clear, balanced, and optimized audio. Contact Rob if you would like to help with sound and Caitlin if you would be willing to serve on AV!

What Next?

Thank you for your willingness to serve! Once you’ve decided to join a team, we have a couple of things we ask:


Ministry Application: This is a form where we collect your basic information, background, references and learn more about why you want to serve.


Leadership Agreement: Part of the application is a leadership agreement, where we outline the heart behind serving in ministry, the expectations for our leaders, and the Scriptures that support that.


Code of Conduct: Also in the application is the Code of Conduct, which explains the boundaries and expectations for those serving on our teams to help keep everyone safe.


Background Check: In the application, you’ll be asked to consent to a background check and will be contacted by the background check program Checkr to provide further information.


Once you’ve completed the form, you’ll receive an email asking you to verify that your information is correct. When we’ve received all your materials and everything has gone through, we’ll let you know that your onboarding is complete! Your ministry leader may have further training for you.

Ministry Application